Introducing Lanamon

Moon Lana
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Moonlana’s team is pleased to announce LANAMON a Solana & Custom token Tipbot For Discord. Lanamon is a Mainly a $MOLA Tipbot with various features. The Tipbot is Onchain and is configured to be able to add any token from the Solana ecosystem. As an initial phase we have listed $MOLA, $SRM, $USDC & $SOL. More Tokens will be added in the future.


We have decided to do $MOLA a bit deflationary, for each $MOLA Withdraw that is executed within the bot, 2% of the $MOLA will be burned. For example: If i want to withdraw 10,000 MOLA from the bot, I will receive 9,800 MOLA and 200 will be burned via web3.

☆ The bot will react to your requests as long as a hash has been generated within the Solana blockchain. It will notify the user via dm the amount of tokens he will receive and their respective hash. "It is important to understand that the solana blockchain currently needs 30 confirmations for the transaction to be processed. Solanabeach doesn’t show transactions until all 30 confirmations have been approved, unlike explorer.solana, which does"
☆ If the bot does not react to your request, it is because it did not process your transaction, this due to any error presented during the creation of it. We prefer to do it this way, because it is better to take care of your funds, and not deduct them from your funds if it fails.
☆You must have $SOL(0.002 To Generate Each Wallet) in your wallet to be able to generate token wallets & be able to tip and enter giveaways. The Tipbot is Onchain So Solana Tx Fees Apply.

Tipbot Commands

The use of these commands can also be optained by typing the ".help" in the bot DMs.To be able to use the Tipbot, you need to create a Solana wallet then deposit a bit of $SOL For Fees.

Step 1:
[".register" to generate a Solana wallet]
[".registermola" to generate a $MOLA wallet]
[".registersrm" For $SRM] Or [".registerusdc" for a $USDC wallet]

Remember that solana currently charges an average of $ 0.002 SOL to mint a token wallet, without this we wouldn’t be able to send or receive any token within the Tipbot.

Step 2:
•Deposit Between $2-5 worth of $SOL to your new address.
•To Deposit use the ".wallet" command and Send the $SOL to the address provided.

Step 3:
•Create a $MOLA wallet with the command ".registermola"
•Deposit some $MOLA to fill your account with ".wallet" then copy the address and send some tokens.

Now you can start playing with Lanamon. Tip, rain, check your balance and much more.

•You can start tipping other people with the ".tip[token]" command. For Example ".tipmola 100 @jbrice"
•You can tip in any of the available listed tokens within the Tipbot such as [.tipsol] [.tipmola] [.tipsrm] & [.tipusdc]
•If I want to tip user1 and user2, I must type ".tipsol 1 @user1 @user2" then it will tip both the same amount.
•To make it rain, use the ".rainsol | .rainmola | .rainsrm or .rainusdc" command it will make rain among the most active members of the community. There is no need to tag anyone, the Tipbot will see who is active and split the money.

Check Your Balance, Wallet & Withdraw Commands:

The following commands will give you your balance: ".b .bal .balance or .$"
•The ".wallet" command will give you your public Solana wallet.
•The ".molaburn" command will allow us to check how many tokens have been burned through the bot’s withdrawals.

To Withdraw your tokens use ".withdraw[token] + [amount] + [wallet] For example: .withdrawmola 5000 SolAna420WalLet99hf0akhOkKlq.
For each withdraw within the bot a 0.5% Fee will be deducted from all tokens but $MOLA.

